Welcome to the Fediverse

Ok, I’ve done it. I’ve installed the ActivityPub plugin and put this blog on the Fediverse. Why? Well, it’s new, it’s interesting, and I really want to see the Fediverse grow.

What is the Fediverse, you ask? Well, in a nutshell, it’s a network comprised of various types of social networks that use a common protocol to talk between them. That protocol is ActivityPub.

There are tons of different types of social networks you can use. Mastodon is the primary one folks know about. Mastodon is a social network similar to Twitter, Bluesky, etc. But there are others.

PeerTube is a Youtube style network for hosting videos.

PixelFed is an image sharing network. Think Imgur or Instagram.

Lemmy is a conversation platform similar to Reddit.

And there are a TON more! Each of these is an app you can run on your own, thus owning your own content and making whatever choices you want with respect to the content. And if you’re not interested in running your own instance, there are plenty of instances out there that you can join.

Right now I’m just experimenting to see how this works with a blog on the Fediverse, but I’m hoping it works out and I can get back to blogging on a regular basis.