Fixing the Serendipity XMLRPC plugin

A while ago I purchased a copy of BlogPress for my iDevices.. It’s pretty full-featured, and seems to work pretty well. Problem was, I couldn’t get it to work with my Serendipity-based blog. Oh well, a wasted purchase.

But not so fast! Every once in a while I go back and search for a possible solution. This past week I finally hit paydirt. I came across this post on the s9y forums.

This explained why BlogPress was crashing when I used it. In short, it was expecting to see a categoryName tag in the resulting XML from the Serendipity XMLRPC plugin. Serendipity, however, used description instead, likely because Serendipity has better support for the MetaWeblog API.

Fortunately, fixing this problem is very straightforward. All you really need to do is implement both APIs and return all of the necessary data for both APIs at the same time. To fix this particular problem, it’s a single line addition to the file located in $S9YHOME/plugins/serendipity_event_xmlrpc. That addition is as follows :

if ($cat['categoryid']) $xml_entries_vals[] = new XML_RPC_Value(
      'description'   => new XML_RPC_Value($cat['category_name'], 'string'),
      // XenoPhage: Add 'categoryName' to support mobile publishing (Thanks PigsLipstick)
      'categoryName'  => new XML_RPC_Value($cat['category_name'], 'string'),
      'htmlUrl'       => new XML_RPC_Value(serendipity_categoryURL($cat, 'serendipityHTTPPath'), 'string'),
      'rssUrl'        => new XML_RPC_Value(serendipity_feedCategoryURL($cat, 'serendipityHTTPPath'), 'string')

And poof, you now have the proper category support for Movable Type.

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