phpTodo 0.6 Released!

I released version 0.6 of phpTodo last night. There were some minor bugfixes, nothing major though.


Added to this release were a few new fields in the database to track creation date, and last modified dates. Future releases may utilize these fields more, but at the moment they’re only being used for the sort stabilizer.. The task modify code was updated to deal with these 2 new fields. Each time a record is created, the create_date field is populated. Every change updates the last_modified field.

Which brings me to another feature I added. I noticed that if you sort by priority, status, or anything other than subject, the entries shifted when you reloaded the page. My initial thought was to just add a behind the scenes secondary sort on id. I changed my mind and decided to give that choice to the user. So, on the preferences screen, the user can choose what field to sort on. This is set to task ID by default.


At this point the program is pretty much feature complete. I’m adding in WML support before the 1.0 release, but that’s about it. Besides bugfixes, of course.


After the 1.0 release, I have some bigger plans. I read a book by David Allen about todo lists and handling tasks.. Really enlightening stuff. Basically, the idea is to process everything in your inbox (anything you need to do), and determine what the next action is. At that point, you file it away based on when it needs to be done. There’s obviously a lot more to it, and if you’re interested, you can find his book on Amazon.

Based on what I learned, I’m planning on adding a number of features to phpTodo. First, I plan on adding an email module. This will allow the user to email todo items to their list. I’ll be adding some sort of authentication schema to it to ensure the item goes to the correct list. That has yet to be worked out.

I’m also looking at updating the main screen. I’ll break it up a bit to become a dashboard of sorts like the presonalized google homepage. Essentially, there will be an inbox which will consist of un-sorted todo items, an interface to quickly go through those items, the main todo list, and a calendar with appointments.

Since I’m adding a calendar, I want to also add a tickler module that can send reminders via email, sms, IM, etc. The user can choose the method(s) they want to be notified by and the system will alert them when the time comes.

I also want to add group todo lists. In essence, another user that will “share” their list with other users. This will, I believe, add more project management capabilities. Anyone can add a todo list item, and anyone else can take it and work on it. Possibly some sort of notification feature to update all users regarding those items.


Overall, I think this project is working out pretty well. I’ve learned a lot about php programming and I’m working on solidifying my coding style. It’s helped me a lot with the coding I’ve been doing for work. I’ve put together a complete database system, dsl tools, and the like. Good stuff that I seem to be getting some decent praise for.. :)


You can download the latest version of phpTodo from the phpTodo SourceForge page.

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