Contemplating the Future

In 2005 I obtained a job at a regional ILEC as a Data Operations Technician. As part of this job, I took over development of one of the tools we used to diagnose customer DSL connections. Problem was, this tool was written in PHP, a programming language I was, as yet, unfamiliar with.

At the same time, I was also looking for a web-based tool I could use to keep track of various tasks. While there were a few open-source tools I could use, none had the features I was looking for. So I decided to write one myself, and to write it in PHP so I could learn the language better. In the end, I’m glad I did as PHP has become indispensable for writing web-based tools.

The tool I wrote was a web-based todo manager called phpTodo. Since the alpha release in 2005, I have released 7 more versions. Work on phpTodo has ebbed and lowed with time, often interrupted by work and life in general. In fact, the last formal release was made almost 5 years ago, bringing the current version up to 0.8.1. In 2009, I found out that phpTodo was being packaged and released with Fedora as well.

After releasing 0.8.1, I decided to switch from using categories to using tags, similar to how the blogging system I use, Serendipity, uses them. This required rewriting a good deal of the back end of the system, as well as making extensive changes to the front end. I also started using the Prototype and Scriptaculous Javascript frameworks, and then later switched to jQuery. In all, a great deal of code has been rewritten.

I’m quite happy with the general feel of the new version I’ve been working on. While there is a good deal more code to be written, I’m confident there will be a code release soon enough.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of phpTodo and where I want to take it. When I originally started, I wrote the system such that I could see my todo list items via an RSS feed. At the time, I had a Blackberry phone and this worked brilliantly. Of course, this was purely a one-way feed with no way to update any todo items on the go. Since that time, I started working on a mobile view for the system, but stopped quickly after I realized how horrible working with WAP was. Fortunately, technology has progressed quickly since that time and WAP is no longer necessary. So, I’m considering working on a mobile version again.

A mobile version brings new challenges, however. It should be trivial to develop a mobile view that can be used while online, but my hope was to have an offline version as well that can be synchronized with the online version. One possibility is to develop an app that can be loaded onto a phone. That, of course, severely limits the platforms it can be run on. Another possibility is an HTML5 version, though that brings challenges of its own.

Another thought was to build a web service into phpTodo. The basic premise is an XML generator that, given a set of parameters, can supply an XML feed for external systems to use as input. And an XML parser that can receive data from external systems in order to update phpTodo data. I believe this can be used as the interface for the mobile view.

A web service can also be used to power another idea I had. I stumbled across the website of Brett Terpstra a while back and found a treasure trove of interesting ideas and useful code snippets. Among these is an obsession for recording notes to keep track of projects, interesting ideas, and helpful code snippets. Brett uses a number of custom scripts and software packages, most of which are exclusive to his platform of choice, OS X. To be honest, I find this incredibly intriguing, and potentially useful. So, I’ve been thinking about developing a command-line tool I can use to interact with phpTodo. A web service could make this a great deal easier.

I have no plans to stop working on the project, and, in fact, I’m eager to keep moving forward. As I continue to rely on phpTodo itself for my daily work, I rely on improvements I can make to the system. So overall, the future of phpTodo is bright.

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